Hello VW Fans. I visited the Super VW Festival #2 at the 24 Hours Le Mans race track in France 2015. I started on Saturday July 25 in Bremen Germany with an Air France flight to Paris and drove with a rental car 240 kilometer to the Super VW Fest where I arrived at lunch time. First I stopped at...
Classic VW Shows
Enjoy here great photos of Classic VW Shows from around the world. I travelled a lot and visited aircooled Volkswagen events such as Hessisch Oldendorf in Germany, El Prado in California or the Jogja VW Festival in Indonesia. My always favorite shows are Maikäfertreffen Hannover, the VolksWorld UK and Le Bug Show in Belgium.
Bug Jam VW Fest 2015 Santa Pod
Hello VW Fans. I visited the 29th Bug Jam VW Festival 2015 at Santa Pod Raceway United Kingdom. I got up on Saturday July 18 at 5:00 a.m. in Bremen Germany, had a Ryanair flight and then 75 miles with a rental car from London Stansted to Santa Pod Raceway, where I arrived at about 10:00 a.m.. After 70 GBP... -
Garbojama 2015 Zlot VW Show Krakow
I visited the 15th Garbojama 2015 VW Show (Zlot garbusów) in Krakow Poland. The event was from 9 - 12 July in Kryspinów (Budzyń-Cholerzyn) which is 14 kilometer west of Krakow in Poland at two beautiful lakes. Before the VW meeting, I travelled in Poland from Warsaw to Wrocław, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Black Madonna of Częstochowa and arrived at the Garbojama Zlot... -
Bad Camberg VW Show 2015
I visited the 10th International Bad Camberger VW Veteranen Treffen on Saturday the 20th June. My VW Beetle made the 400 km trip from Bremen to Bad Camberg very well. The show takes place only once every 4 years and only the very old VWs like Split, Oval and T1 are allowed. I parked with my 1959 VW Beetle in... -
Maikäfertreffen 2015 Bilder MKT Hannover
Am 1. Mai 2015 war das 32. Maikäfertreffen (MKT) in Hannover. Ich bin um 7:30 mit meinem 59er Käfer angekommen und um 7:45 war ich auf dem Parkplatz. Die Langschläfer standen später ca. 1 Stunde vor dem Messeparkplatz im Volkswagen Stau. Bis 9:00 Uhr war es schön sonnig und dann über den Tag bewölkt mit ein paar sonnigen Abschnitten. Ich... -
Volksworld VW Show Sandown Park 2015
I visited the Volksworld VW Show on Sunday the 29th March 2015. As always, the show took place at the Sandown Park Racecourse in Esher, Surrey which is about 30 minutes from Central London. I arrived in London with Ryanair on Saturday and drove Sunday to the Volksworld Show.It was rainy all over the day but not too bad and... -
Hello VW Fans. The Siam VW Festival 2015 was on Saturday the 7th March in Bangkok Thailand. I visited the Siam VW Show 2014 and I can highly recommend this event. As always, the classic Volkswagen Show took place at The Wonder World Fun Park off Ramintra Road KM10. Please take a look at about 40 great pictures of the... -
Menton VW Meeting 2014 Cox d'Azur Club
Hello VW Fans. I was at the 25 Anniversary Menton VW Meeting 2014 at the Côte d'Azur. The VW Show was organized by the CAC Cox d'Azur Volkswagen Club. Menton is about 1400 kilometer from Bremen. Because I had only a few days, I took the airplane to Nice and then with a rental car to Menton. Nice is only... -
RTTS 2014 Run to the Sun VW Treffen Cuxhaven
Hallo VW Fans. Am 26.07.2014 war ich auf dem Run to the Sun (RTTS) VW Treffen in Cuxhaven. Es waren ein paar Hundert klassische Volkswagen vom Typ Käfer, Bus, Kübel, Typ 3 und insbesondere viele Buggys angereist. Show & Shine fand auf der ovalen Rennbahn statt. Zur Mittagszeit gab es einen starken Regenschauer, am Nachmittag war es meistens bewölkt und... -
IKW Wanroij 2014 VW Beetle Kever Weekend Meeting
I was at the International Kever Weekend (IKW) Wanroij in Nederland on Saturday the 14th June 2014 with my 1959 VW Beetle. The Kever Club Nederland organized the classic Volkswagen meeting on 13, 14 and 15 June 2014. I arrived at 8:00 in the morning and was a bit confused, because it was different compared to the IKW Wanroij 2013...