Classic VW Shows

Enjoy here great photos of Classic VW Shows from around the world. I travelled a lot and visited aircooled Volkswagen events such as Hessisch Oldendorf in Germany, El Prado in California or the Jogja VW Festival in Indonesia. My always favorite shows are Maikäfertreffen Hannover, the VolksWorld UK and Le Bug Show in Belgium.

  1. Le Bug Show 2016 VW Meeting Spa Belgium

    Le Bug Show 2016 VW Meeting Spa Belgium
    Hello VW Fans. I had good times at Le Bug Show 2013, 2014, 2015 and so Spa was calling me last weekend. I visited the VW Bug Show #24 at Circuit de Spa Francorchamps in Belgium on Saturday the 6th August 2016. The last years I made the 900 kilometer return trip with my 59 and 65 Beetles but this...
  2. Küstendrive 2016 VW Treffen

    Küstendrive 2016 VW Treffen
    Hallo VW Fans. Am 23. Juli 2016 habe ich das Küstendrive VW Treffen am Elbstrand von Krautsand besucht. Der Küstendriver VW Club aus Stade und Cuxhaven organisiert das Treffen. Ich bin von Bremen die 120 Kilometer zum Küstendrive mit meinen 59er Käfer gefahren. In Krautsand angekommen, wurde ich erstmal mit einem 10 EUR Parkticket beglückt. Die Polizei in der Drochtersen...
  3. The Classic VW Show June 12 2016 CA USA

    The Classic VW Show June 12 2016 CA USA
    Hello VW Fans. I visited “The Classic” VW Show on Sunday the 12th June 2016 in Costa Mesa California. The Bugorama organized “The Classic” and it is sponsored by Pierside Parts & EIS Present. The VW Show was at the OC Fair & Event Center, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA where I arrived at 6:00 a.m.. They...
  4. Kochs Antique Collectibles Faire 2016 CA

    Kochs Antique Collectibles Faire 2016 CA
    Hello VW Fans. I visited Koch’s Antique and Collectible’s Faire on Saturday the 11th June 2016. The "classic weekend event", for the antique, collectible and rare Volkswagen parts and accessories, was at the Wyndham Hotel, 17941 Von Karman Ave, Irvine, California 92614, USA. I arrived at 2:00 p.m., paid 5 USD entrance and left at 2:30 p.m.. This event is...
  5. OCTO VW Bus Show June 11 2016 California

    OCTO VW Bus Show June 11 2016 California
    Hello VW Fans. I visited the OCTO VW Bus Show on Saturday the 11th June 2016 in Long Beach California. The O.C.T.O VW Club has every year a nice VW Bus Show at “The Classic Weekend” for 1967 and earlier Volkswagen buses. The VW meeting was at the Veterans Memorial Stadium, 5000 East Lew Davis Street, Long Beach, California 90808...
  6. DKP Pre-Classic Cruise Night 2016 CA USA

    DKP Pre-Classic Cruise Night 2016 CA USA
    Hello VW Fans. I visited the DKP Pre-Classic Cruise Night on Friday the 10th June 2016 on Main Street in Garden Grove Orange County California. I arrived at about 5:30 p.m. at the car park near Main Street and after travelling for 2 weeks in US National Parks is was great to see air-cooled VWs. The members of Der Kleiner...
  7. MaiKäferTreffen Hannover VW Meeting 2016

    MaiKäferTreffen Hannover VW Meeting 2016
    Hello VW Fans. I visited the 33rd MaiKäferTreffen on Sunday the 1th May 2016 in Hannover Germany. It was sunny and it was great! I arrived with my 59 VW Beetle at 7:45 a.m. and was within 10 minutes at the car park. It was cold but the sun was already shining. I first talked with the driver of a...
  8. VolksWorld 2016 VW Show at Sandown Park

    VolksWorld 2016 VW Show at Sandown Park
    Hello VW Fans. I visited the VolksWorld on Saturday the 2th April 2016 at the Sandown Park Racecourse in Esher near London. Early in the morning, I had a flight to London and drove with a rental to the show where I arrived at 10:05 a.m. The sun was shining and it was very busy at the car park. I...
  9. Tossa de Mar VW Meeting #22 2015

    Tossa de Mar VW Meeting #22 2015
    Hello VW Fans. I visited the 22th Tossa de Mar Classic VW meeting in Spain from 18th till 20th September 2015. The VW meeting was organized by the Amics del Volkswagen de Catalunya Club (AVWC) and Tossa de Mar is the biggest air cooled Volkswagen meeting in Spain. The theme of the meeting was “Circus” and the VW fans decorated...
  10. #19 VW Meeting Château-d'Oex 2015

    #19 VW Meeting Château-d'Oex 2015
    Hello VW Fans. I was at the International VW Meeting in Château-d'Oex Switzerland from 28th to 30th August 2015. It was superb! 2015 was edition #19 and the VW Show was organized by the Lemania Coccinelle-Club. The motto was „Let’s Rock” and the meeting area was decorated with a huge Let’s Rock sign and Guitars. I started Friday in Germany...
  11. VW Festival 2015 Harewood House Leeds

    VW Festival 2015 Harewood House Leeds
    Hello VW Fans. I visited the VW Festival at Harewood House in Leeds from 15th to 16th August 2015. I started with Murphy on Saturday morning in Germany with a 4 hours flight delay and arrived at the VW Festival #11 at Harewood House Saturday afternoon. I checkout out the VWs at the Camping and took some nice pics of...
  12. Bug Show 2015 VW Meeting Spa

    Bug Show 2015 VW Meeting Spa
    Hello VW Fans. After a great time at the Bug Show 2013 and 2014, Spa was calling again. I visited the VW Bug Show at Circuit de Spa Francorchamps in Belgium on Saturday the 1th August 2015 with my VW 1200A. My Beetle made the 900 km return trip very well and the Bug Show was again awesome! I started...

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